Wednesday, May 24, 2006


This is what Watchman Nee writes about faith in his book, The Normal Christian Life:

1. 'Faith is the substantiating of things hoped for.' [J.N. Darby].

2. Faith makes the real things to become real in our experience. Faith 'substantiates' to us the things of Christ.

3. The Devil is a skilful liar... He will resort to lying signs and feelings and experiences in his attempts to shake us from our faith in God's Word... So we must choose. Will we believe Satan's lie or God's truth? Are we going to be governed by appearances of by what God says?

4. Remember that Satan's attack is always upon our assurance. If he can get us to doubt God's Word, then his object is secured and he has us in his power.

5. 'We walk by faith, not by appearance.' [2 Cor 5.7 mg.]

6. If we refuse to accept as binding anything that contradicts God's Word and maintain an attitude of faith in Him alone, we shall find that Satan's lies begin to dissolve and that our experience is coming progressively to tally with that Word.

7. Faith is 'substantiating' God's facts; and faith is always the 'substantiating' of eternal fact -- of something eternally true.

[These are extracts from the chapter 'Reckoning' in the book, 'The Normal Christian Life' by Watchman Nee. Read the book!]

Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Just to remind my readers that I have a collection of photographs on under the names Prolix6x and Prato9x. You can see the flickr badge in the sidebar on the bottom right side of this blog. Wish you all happy viewing, besides the serious reading in my blogspot blogs!

I also have a testimony blog at which is a must-see and a must-read. All for the glory of God and our Saviour and Lord Jesus Christ!