What do we learn from the life of Elisha? His name means 'God is salvation'. From the life of Elisha we can learn much about God's salvation; it is truly a great salvation. We remember the healing ministry of Elisha, the ministry of grace, as opposed to the ministry of judgment of Elijah.
What is the significance of the journey that Elisha made with Elijah before the latter was taken up by a whirlwind into heaven? 2 Kings 2.1-11. Surely there is a significance, because at each stage Elijah wants Elisha to stay back, but the Elisha persists in accompanying Elijah across the river Jordan. This is not just a matter of discipleship. While it is true that there is no turning back for the disciple of God, and while we see clearly the persistence of faith [Elisha refusing to give up] - I believe that there are deeper truths in this passage than the truth of discipleship.
I believe there are three important spiritual realities that are seen in this passage. The first relates to our heavenly inheritance. Elisha asks for a double portion of the spirit of Elijah, and he receives it. Elisha performs twice as many recorded miracles as Elijah. The double portion is the portion of the firstborn, Deut 21.17, and we are the church of the firstborn, Heb 12.23, registered in heaven. We are a heavenly people, who have received a heavenly vision, and ours is a heavenly inheritance to be possessed here on earth.
The second reality is spiritual vision and spiritual intelligence. Elisha sees Elijah taken up to heaven. In fact the double portion is related to Elisha seeing the heavenly chariots and horsemen, 2 Kings 2.10. In 2 Kings 6 we find that Elisha knows all about the Aramean plots against Israel, 6.12. In the same chapter we find Elisha praying that the Lord open the eyes of his servant that he may see. And what does he see? Horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha, 2 Kings 6.17
The third reality is the power of resurrection. Elisha has crossed the river Jordan. He is on resurrection ground. What mighty resurrection power this man of God had! He raises up the Shunammite's son from the dead, 2 Kings 4.34,35; 8.5. They cast a dead man into Elisha's grave and when the man touched the bones of Elisha he revived and stood up on his feet, 2 Kings 13.21
Are these mere stories? What is the Lord trying to tell us? Surely that for every child of God this is the heavenly inheritance available to him: the double portion of the Spirit; spiritual insight and vision; the power of resurrection; a heavenly inheritance of life and power; rivers of living water. If Elijah was a man just like us, so was Elisha. And what Elisha did, the child of God can do.
What is the significance of the journey that Elisha made with Elijah before the latter was taken up by a whirlwind into heaven? 2 Kings 2.1-11. Surely there is a significance, because at each stage Elijah wants Elisha to stay back, but the Elisha persists in accompanying Elijah across the river Jordan. This is not just a matter of discipleship. While it is true that there is no turning back for the disciple of God, and while we see clearly the persistence of faith [Elisha refusing to give up] - I believe that there are deeper truths in this passage than the truth of discipleship.
I believe there are three important spiritual realities that are seen in this passage. The first relates to our heavenly inheritance. Elisha asks for a double portion of the spirit of Elijah, and he receives it. Elisha performs twice as many recorded miracles as Elijah. The double portion is the portion of the firstborn, Deut 21.17, and we are the church of the firstborn, Heb 12.23, registered in heaven. We are a heavenly people, who have received a heavenly vision, and ours is a heavenly inheritance to be possessed here on earth.
The second reality is spiritual vision and spiritual intelligence. Elisha sees Elijah taken up to heaven. In fact the double portion is related to Elisha seeing the heavenly chariots and horsemen, 2 Kings 2.10. In 2 Kings 6 we find that Elisha knows all about the Aramean plots against Israel, 6.12. In the same chapter we find Elisha praying that the Lord open the eyes of his servant that he may see. And what does he see? Horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha, 2 Kings 6.17
The third reality is the power of resurrection. Elisha has crossed the river Jordan. He is on resurrection ground. What mighty resurrection power this man of God had! He raises up the Shunammite's son from the dead, 2 Kings 4.34,35; 8.5. They cast a dead man into Elisha's grave and when the man touched the bones of Elisha he revived and stood up on his feet, 2 Kings 13.21
Are these mere stories? What is the Lord trying to tell us? Surely that for every child of God this is the heavenly inheritance available to him: the double portion of the Spirit; spiritual insight and vision; the power of resurrection; a heavenly inheritance of life and power; rivers of living water. If Elijah was a man just like us, so was Elisha. And what Elisha did, the child of God can do.
Edifying thoughts.
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