Monday, March 21, 2005

5. Prayer and Coming Closer to God

Prayer and Coming Close to God

How can I come close to God? How do I feel His presence? When I read the Bible, sometimes it speaks to me. But I want God to be more real than that. Really 'real', if you know what I mean. Walking with God, talking with God...and getting answers to your prayers!

Yes, that's it. Getting answers to our prayers! There are big prayers and small prayers. Or rather, prayers for big things and prayers for small things. But whatever they may be, you've got to put your heart into it. Lord, help me. [That's how Peter prayed, and that's how David prayed!] Is God helping you in the situation you are in?

I think I must put this across in another way. Remember when Nehemiah was talking to the king. He was praying in his heart. That's how it should be. Sometimes you pray even as you talk. You're praying inside, while talking 'outside'. That conveys intensity. You are really putting your 'will' into it. You mean it! Those little, intense, unspoken prayers to God that flow rapidly even as you are caught in some tough situation.

Unless I have a 'pray without ceasing' attitude and 'keeping in touch with God' - it's so easy to break away from Him. The natural tendency is to drift away from Him. We need to push closer to Him, hold on to Him, 'hug Him tight' as it were.

He is a real God. It is a real Presence. When you lose that presence, then you say, as David did, in Psalm 30: 'You hid Your face, and I was dismayed'.

Lord, help me explain this clearly to whoever is reading this, so that the message touches his/her heart with the 'touch of God'. Amen.


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